$25 | Book Number: 31552 | Order / Enquire |
History of Psychology and Psychiatry. New York: Philosophical Library, (1961). First edition. From the library of Dr. C.B. Farrar with his bookplate. Cloth, 422pp. Fine in a near fine d/w.
$200 | Book Number: 31111 | Order / Enquire |
The Common Neuroses Their Treatment by Psychotherapy. In Introductioni to Psychological Treatment for Students and Practioners. London: Edward Arnold, (1937). Second edition. From the library of Dr. C.B. Farrar with his bookplate. Cloth, 236pp. Fine in d/w with tape to the top of the spine.
SCHMEICHELR. Dr; r. Hammerschlag, Dr. Raimann, Dr. Erben, Dr. Haudek, Dr. Bett.
Simulation. Gesammelte Aufsatze von........ Wien: Verlag von Moritz Perles.... 1907. From the library of Dr. C.B. Farrar with his bookplate. Tall 8vo., rebound in maroon fabricoid, 272pp. Fine.
Dr. Graesler. New York: Thomas Seltzer, 1923. First U.S. edition. From the library of Dr. C.B. Farrar with his bookplate. 8vo., orig. cloth backed boards, printed paper spine label, 180pp. A fine copy.
SCHONBAUER, L. and M. Jantsch.
Julius Wagner-Jauregg Lebenserinnerungen Herausgegeben Und Erganzt Von.... Wien: Springer-Verlag, 1950. First edition. From the library of Dr. C.B. Farrar with his bookplate. Cloth, 187pp. Fine in a near fine d/w.
Man's Presumptuous Brain An Evolutionary Interpretation of Psychosomatic Disease. New York: Dutton, (1961). First U.S. edition. Cloth, 290pp. Bookplate o/w a fine copy in a very good d/w.
STEKEL, Wihelm.
Peculiarities of Behavior Wandering Mania, Dipsomania, Cleptomania, Pyromania and Allied Imipulsive Acts. Authorized English Version by James S. Van Teslaar. New York: Liveright Publishing, (1937). In two volumes. Fifth printing. From the library of Dr. C.B. Farrar with his bookplate. Cloth, xiv, 328; x, 341pp. Fine in near fine d/w's.
$150 | Book Number: 29631 | Order / Enquire |
$65 | Book Number: 30425 | Order / Enquire |
$500 | Book Number: 31436 | Order / Enquire |
$35 | Book Number: 30187 | Order / Enquire |
$125 | Book Number: 29695 | Order / Enquire |
WORTIS, Joseph.
Basic Problems In Psychiatry. New York: Grune & Stratton, 1953. From the library of Dr. C.B. Farrar with his bookplate. Cloth, 186pp. Fine.
WORTIS, Joseph.
Recent Advances in Biological Psychiatry. Volume III. New York: Grune & Stratton, 1961. First edition. From the library of Dr. C.B. Farrar with his bookplate. Cloth, 241pp. Fine in the plain brown wrapper as issued.
Psychiatrie Fur Artze Und Studierende Bearbeitet Von........ Leipzig: Verlag Von S. Herzel, 1908. Third edition. From the library of Dr. C.B. Farrar with his bookplate and signature. Tall 8vo., rebound in modern cloth, viii, 801, (4)pp.ads. A fine copy in a plain binding. Dr. Clarence B. Farrar [1874-1970] "trained under several of the foremost medical scholars of his era beginning with Osler and then at Heidelberg under Kraepelin, Nissl and Alzheimer. Farrar was hand-picked by Prof. Charles Clarke, the University's inaugural head fo Psychiatry, to succeed him in both that chair and as the first Director of the Toronto Psychiatric Hospital (TPH) opening in 1925. Farrar served in those capacities until 1947, setting the stage for the TPH to continue as the Department's clinical, teaching, research and administrative nexus until succeeded in 1966 by the Clarke Institute." Dr. Farrar also served as the editor of the American Journal of Psychiatry. (TPH: History and Memories of Toronto Psychiatric Hospital by Edward Shorter).
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