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COCKBURN, Major (James Pattison). Swiss Scenery From Drawings By... London: Published By Rodwell & Martin, 1820. First edition. 4to., recently rebound with a dark brown calf spine, marble boards, raised bands, gilt decoration in the compartments, leather spine label, vii, 200pp. With 60 engraved plates and an engraved titlepage. Titlepage a bit ragged around edges, some repairs to the last leaf (no loss to text, repairs are in the margins only), occasional foxing but still a near fine copy.
James Pattison Cockburn [1779-1847] army officer and water-colourist... "According to German composer Louis Spohr, to whom he showed more than 200 landscapes of Naples and its surroundings, Cockburn had 'extraordinary skill in catching charming views in a matter of minutes.' He was becoming an indefatigable sketcher. In the period 1816-22 he produced drawings in sepia as he moved from place to place in the Alps and elsewhere in Italy and Switzerland: vast panoramas and mountain passes figured alongside scenes of streets and market places. The wealth of pictures is explained not only by Cockburn's mastery of technical means but also, according to Spohr, by his use of 'a machine that projected the landscape, in reduced scale, on paper.' Although it is not certain that Spohr was referring to a camera lucida, the sharpness of the images in several sketches done at the time he made his remark in some measure substantiates this hypothesis..." (DCB)