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PARDOE, Miss. (Julia). The Life of Marie De Medicis, Queen of France, Consort of Henry IV, and Regent of the Kingdom Under Louis XIII. London: Henry Colburn, 1852. In three volumes. First edition. Tall 8vo., original blue cloth, (xxvii), 443; (xix), 466; xix, 578pp. With illustrations. Inner hinges cracked, lacking rear e/papers in volume one but still a very good copy. DNB, Fem. Companion.
Julia Pardoe [1806-1862] British novelist, travel and short story writer, biographer. Pardoe's literary career began early as she published a book of poetry when she was 13. She wrote accounts of her travels, including interesting works on Turkey and Portugal. She turned to fiction to make money to "support poor relations" but the extra work eventually put a strain on her health. "Although uneven in quality, many of her novels and short stories are at their best in their sharp observations of the greed and affectation of the middle class and fashionable society." Her diffuse treatment of Marie de Medici in the above work, combats other historian's critical and unsympathetic portrayal of her.