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ROSCOE, William. Vie de Laurent de Medicis, Surnomme, Le Magnifique; Traduite de L'Anglais de William Roscoe, sur la seconde edition Par Francois Thurot.
Paris: de l'imprimerie De Baudoin, An VIII. (1799/1800). In two volumes. First edition in French. Tall 8vo., cont. calf spine, marble boards, raised bands, leather spine labels, xlviii, 487; (vi), 578pp. Outer front hinges of both volumes have a 1 1/2" split at the top but are still quite strong o/w a very good set.
This copy has the translator's "Lettre au citoyen Lecuoteulyx" which Brunet states was removed from some copies because it was full of Republican ideas which could be expressed in An VII but not in An VIII. The original work was published in 1795 by Roscoe and was praised for its "Grecian style of simplicity, judicious candour, without personal bias" by Horace Walpole, who also noted that "Roscoe is far the best of our historians, both for beauty of style and for deep reflctions; and his translations of poetry are equal to the original." $350