As Toronto has entered Stage 3, David Mason Books has reopened our shop to the public, but our capacity is limited to ensure physical distancing.
We are returning to our regular hours 10am to 5pm Monday-Friday. While we will do our best to adhere these hours there might be an occasion when this is not possible, and we will post any closures on our website.
David Mason Books and the landlord of 366 Adelaide St. West are taking all necessary precautions to ensure the health and safety of our staff and clients. We encourage clients to call (416 598-1015) prior to visiting if they have any questions regarding the protocols in place in the building and the shop.
City of Toronto by-law No. 541-2020 requires that masks be worn in all indoor public spaces. This includes the common areas of the building and our shop.
Therefore, each visitor to our shop will be required to wear a face covering. If for some reason you do not have a mask with you, we ask you to call us at 416-598-1015 from outside the building and we will bring you a disposable mask. While we understand some people have conditions that prevent them from wearing masks, we regret we are unable to accommodate you at this time (please call for clarification).
We also ask that our clients and visitors to the shop follow the social distancing, entry and exit protocols for the building and the shop. Entrance and exit points are clearly marked, and there are markers to direct ‘flow' in the building and the shop.
We will provide hand sanitizer upon entry and we will be taking contact information (name, phone or email), which we will keep for two weeks as per the advice of the medical officer of health, should contact tracing be necessary.
Curbside pick-up will be available for those who request this for their orders.
We are looking forward to getting back to business and seeing our clients in the shop.
David Mason Books
366 Adelaide St. West, Suite LL05
Toronto, ON
M5V 1R9
P: (416) 598-1015