GALLUZZI, Tarquino. Tarquinii Gallutii Sabini e societate Jesu Carminum Libri Tres ......
Romae: Apud Bartholomaeum Zannettum, 1616. Second edition. (First published in 1611). From the library of the noted Galileo scholar, Stillman Drake.
Sm. 8vo., full contemporary vellum, (16), 495, (1)pp. [ I8, A-Z8, Aa-Hh8]
Titelpage torn at edges, with wormholes affecting the decorative border but not the title or imprint, small stain on the lower corner of the last 30pp. not affecting text, o/w a very good copy of this volume of poetry by the Jesuit Latinist, Tarquinio Galluzzi [1573-1649].