DANIEL, Mooshie G.
Modern Persia. Toronto: Henderson & Company, 1898. First Canadian edition. Sm. 8vo., orig. red cloth, 223pp. A nice copy.
$350 | Book Number: 11329 | Order / Enquire |
$750 | Book Number: 33420 | Order / Enquire |
DUMAS, Alexander.
Impressions of Travel, In Egypt And Arabia Petraea. Translated From the French By A Lady of New York. New York: John S. Taylor...., 1839. First U.S. edition. (First edition in English? ) 8vo., full cont. calf, leather spine label, viii, (9)-318pp. Name on e/paper, some occasional foxing but in fact a near fine copy. With chapters on Alexandria; Cairo; Murad-The Pyramids; City of the Caliphs; Sinai; and much more.
On Sapphire Seas to Palestine. A Tour in the Holy Land of To-Day. Dundee: Printed and Published by D.C. Thomson, 1927. First book edition. Presentation inscription from author. Tall 8vo. orig. blue cloth, 55pp. Near fine.
To-Day In Palestine. New York: James Pott, 1907. First edition. Orig. blue pictorial cloth, 278pp. Some slight rubbing to the spine ends o/w a near fine copy. Written primarily for the traveller to Palestine.
EDGAR, Helen M.
Dahabeah Days. An Egyptian Winter Holiday. Toronto: Ryerson, (1923). First edition. Tall 8vo., cloth, 85pp. Some minor wear to spine ends o/w a nice copy.
EDWARDS, Samuel.
Barbary General The Life of William H. Eaton. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, (1968). First edition. Cloth, 277pp. Fine in d/w which is faded on the spine with some rubbing to the ends.
Beyond the Last Oasis. A Solo Walk in the Sahara. Salem: Salem House, (1985). First edition. Cloth, 210pp. Fine in d/w. An account of the author's 19 day 350 mile trek across the Empty Quarter of the south western Sahara; the longest self-sufficent solo camel journey in history.
FAGAN, Brian.
The Rape of the Nile. Tomb Robbers, Tourists, and Archaeologists in Egypt. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, (1975). First edition. Sm.4to., Cloth, 399pp. Inscription o/w fine in d/w. The flamboyant story of pioneering archaeologists and ambitious plunderers that traces the destruction and sometimes, the preservation of the past.
FERRIMAN, Z. Duckett.
East and West of Hellespont. Memories of Fifty Years. London: Jonathan Cape, nd. (193-?) Cloth, 320pp. Near fine. With chapters on Smyrna, Broussa, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Galilee, Petra and more.
FIELD, Henry M.
On The Desert: With A Brief Review of Recent Events in Egypt. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1888. Second edition. 8vo., orig. green cloth, ii, 330pp. A fine copy. An account of the authors journey through the Sinai Peninsula in 1882, including an ascent of Mount Sinai and Mount Serbal, etc.
$175 | Book Number: 29094 | Order / Enquire |
$75 | Book Number: 33581 | Order / Enquire |
$165 | Book Number: 33431 | Order / Enquire |
FREETH, Zahra and H.V.F. Winstone.
Explorers of Arabia From the Renaissance to the End of the Victoria Era. New York: Holmes and Meier, (1978). First U.S. edition. Cloth, 308pp. Fine in d/w.
In the Steps of Moses the Lawgiver. London: Rich & Cowan, nd. (1937). First edition. Cloth, xiii, 355pp. A nice copy. 20th century travels in the footsteps of Moses, from the Nile to the Sinai peninsula.
GRIFFIN, Sercombe.
Where the Master Lived. London: Sampson, Low Marston, nd. (193-?) Cloth, xi, 244pp. Fine. Travels, mostly in Jerusalem.
HAMILTON, Norah Rowan.
Both Sides of The Jordan. A Woman's Adventures in the Near East. London: Herbert Jenkins, (1928). First edition. Cloth, 320pp. Bookplate, some minor rubbing o/w near fine. The authors travels in Jerusalem, Petra, Jericho and Syria.
$450 | Book Number: 33529 | Order / Enquire |
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