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(David Milne/Coach House Press/Stan Bevington/David Silcox).
A set of two decks of the standard 52 playing cards plus two jokers each, measuring 9 x 6.3 cm (standard size), designs based on two watercolours by David Milne. (Toronto: Coach House Press, 1973). 1 of 100 sets in a custom-made wooden box (11.5 x 14.8cm, either Ontario white pine or Ontario walnut) with a sliding lid.
The rectos of both decks are illustrated with a watercolour design from Milne's ‘King, Queen, and Jokers' I and II--the first deck features a reproduction of figures taken from of one watercolour image in ‘King, Queen, and Jokers I', while the second deck features a reproduction of figures from one watercolour image in ‘King, Queen, and Jokers II.' The figures for the knaves, queens, kings and jokers are taken from the Milne watercolours, which in the original watercolours are full-figures but for the face cards in the decks are depicted in the more traditional three-quarter figure.
In an interview with Don McLeod in DA: The Devil's Artisan (issue 88, 2021), Stan Bevington discusses the genesis and evolution of these cards and details their printing and production. The process involved the use of integrated random grain screenless photography and a complicated colour separation procedure.
Sets of the cards can be ordered from David Mason Books at: